Volkswagen Bus, Vanagon, Eurovan Ignition Parts: Wires, Coils, etc.

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Ignition Wires

Ignition Wires

Ignition Wire Set
All five wires

VW Bus 1972-79
VW Vanagon 1980-83

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Part #: 021-998-031A
Ignition Wire Set
High quality

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 1954-79
VW Karmann Ghia 1956-74
VW Thing 73-74
VW Bus 1955-71

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Part #: 09 001

Rubber Parts

Rubber Parts

Distributor O-Ring
Seals off vacuum leaks
Fits all distrubutor shafts

All VWs

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Part #: 111-905-261
Spark Plug Air Seals. 4 Pieces

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 50-79
VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Bus 50-79
VW Type 3 62-74
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 111-449
Spark Plug Wire Seals. Set of 4.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 50-79
VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Bus 50-79
VW Thing 73-74
VW Type 3 62-74

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Part #: 311-425A
Spark Plug Wires Holders
Set of 3.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Karmann Ghia 61-74
VW Bus 61-79
VW Thing 73-74
VW Type 3 62-74

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Part #: 113-451A



Spring for Distributor Drive Pinion

All VW Beetle, Ghia, Bus, Type 3, Thing

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Part #: 111-105-233
Distributor Clamp Bolt

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Bus 60-71
VW Type 3 69-73
VW Karmann Ghia 69-74

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Part #: N103462
Nut for Distributor Clamp Bolt

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Bus 60-71
VW Type 3 69-73
VW Karmann Ghia 69-74

Nut for Arm Rest Screw

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 60-72


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Part #: N110062
Screw: ignition switch to dashboard.

VW Beetle 1958-67
VW Bus 1950-67

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Part #: N108101
Washer for Distributor Drive Pinion
Two to six required to get proper clearance
Two used originally

All Beetle, Bus, Ghia, Thing and Type 3

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Part #: 111-105-235A
Washer for ignition switch screw.

VW Beetle 1958-67
VW Bus 1950-67

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Part #: N115231



Bosch Distributor Rotor

VW Beetle 65-68
VW Karmann Ghia 65-68
VW Bus 64-68
VW Type 3 65-73
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Part #: 04 006
Distributor Rotor, Bosch. OEM.
Can be used on 009 Distributor
and OEM distributors for following:

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 69-79
VW Bus 69-79
VW Karmann Ghia 69-74
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 04 033
Distributor Rotor

VW Beetle 1961-64
VW Karmann Ghia 1961-64
VW Bus 1960-64
VW Type 3 1962-64

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Part #: 04 010
Distributor Rotor
For 010 and 019 Distributors
OEM For Following:

VW Beetle 54-60
VW Karmann Ghia 55-60
VW Bus 54-60

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Part #: 04 008



Ignition Switch
With two keys.

VW Bus 50-67

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Part #: 211-811C-BUS
Ignition Switch Lock Cylinder
with Keys

VW Beetle 68-70
VW Karmann Ghia 68-70
VW Type 3 67-70
VW Bus 68-70

The ignition switch lock cylinder installs into the steering column. The lock cylinder operates the switch which is below the steering column lock.

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Part #: 113-905-853
Ignition Switch with Wires.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 1971
VW Karmann Ghia 1971
VW Bus 71-mid 74 through vin# 2142164059
VW Thing Early 1973

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Part #: 111-905-865F
Ignition Switch, Electrical Half.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle mid 74-79 (from chassis # 1_4 2358 022)
VW Karmann Ghia 73-74
VW Thing 73-74
VW Bus mid 74-79  Starting vin# 214 2164060
VW Vanagon 80-92

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Part #: 111-865L
Ignition Switch; Electrical Half

VW Beetle 68-70
VW Bus 68-70
VW Karmann Ghia 68-70
VW Type 3 68-70

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Part #: 311-865A



Advanced Mechanical Advance 009 distributor, EMPI.
Distributor has Electronic ignition with Bosch-like 009 advance
Recommended to use coil 40511 (see below under "coils").
The coil is listed below as a convenience: more coils at IGNITION PARTS...

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 49-79
VW Bus 50-79
VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Type 3 62-73
VW Thing 73-74
VW Westfalia Camper 55-79

Must be used with a coil with an internal resistor or else an external ballast resistor must be used.Coil 40511 is compatible.This distributor is not used with fuel injection..

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Part #: 9441-B
Distributor, Mechanical Advance
(See information on this distributor at the bottom of this page.)

This "009" centrifugal advance distributor is the higher quality replacement for the Brazilian Bosch "009" distributor. It's for most Volkswagen vechicles. Uses OE Bosch points, condensor, rotor & cap Replacement parts. It comes with the distributor O-Ring, so there's nothing else to buy. Cannot be used on D-Jet FI System vechicles (T3 & T4 to 1973).

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 49-74
VW Bus 50-74
VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Type 3 62-73
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 0231-178-009
Pertronix D186504 Flame-Thrower VW Type 1 Engine Plug and Play Vacuum Advance Cast Electronic Distributor with Ignitor Technology
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Part #: D186504

Distributor Caps

Distributor Caps

Distributor Cap For 010 and 019 Distributors
Also OEM distributor cap for following Cars:

VW Beetle 55-60
VW Bus 55-59
VW Karmann Ghia 56-60

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Part #: 03 019
Distributor Cap for 40hp distributors (90mm)

VW Beetle 1961-64
VW Bus 1961-64
VW Karmann Ghia 1961-64

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Part #: 03 037
Distributor Cap, Bosch
Fits SVDA, 009, 094 Distributors
and most distributors 1968 on

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 69-79
VW Bus 69-79
VW Karmann Ghia 69-74
VW Type 3 66-73
VW Vanagon 80-84
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 03 010
Distributor Cap, Short Style.

VW Beetle 65-68
VW Karmann Ghia 65-68
VW Bus 64-68
VW Type 3 65-74

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Part #: 03 001

Distributor Clamps

Distributor Clamps

Distributor Clamp with Nut and Bolt, Chrome Plated.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Karmann Ghia 61-74
VW Bus 61-71
VW Type 3 61-74
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 8910
Distributor Clamp with Nut and Bolt. Zinc.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Karmann Ghia 61-74
VW Bus 61-71
VW Type 3 61-74
VW Thing 73-74
VW Westfalia Camper 60-71 and mid 83-91

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Part #: 113-905-250
Distributor Clamp, With Nut and Bolt. Billet Aluminum.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 61-79
VW Karmann Ghia 61-74
VW Bus 61-71
VW Type 3 61-74
VW Thing 73-74

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Part #: 8912



12V Ignition Coil, with Bracket,  Bosch Mexico

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 67-79
VW Bus 67-79

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Part #: 00012-MEX
More ignition coils are listed at "IGNITION PARTS..."

PerTronix 40511 Flame-Thrower 40000 Volt Canister Coil
3 ohm internal resistance
Compatible with points ignition and most electronic ignitions
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Part #: 40511
Ignition Coil
12 Volts (without bracket)
Genuine Beru, German.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 67-79
VW Bus 67-79
VW Karmann Ghia 67-74
VW Type 3 67-73
VW Vanagon 80-mid83

and for earlier cars if converted to 12 volt

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Part #: 00 012

Electronic Ignition

Electronic Ignition

IGNITION CONVERSION KIT for 009 DISTRIBUTOR! Convert standard ignition into an electronic ignition with this conversion kit!

Key Features:

  • Eliminates points and condenser.
  • Dust and water resistant
  • Flawless ignition performance with no points to "bounce"
Must be used with a coil with an internal resistor or an external ballast resistor.

This kit is for the 009 (after market) distributor on the following cars:

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 71-79
VW Bus 71-79
VW Karmann Ghia 71-74
VW Type 3 71-73
VW Vanagon 80-mid 83
VW Thing 73-74

In an electronic ignition system all of the spark plug firing
is directed electronically. There are no moving parts in an
electronic ignigion system, so nothing to wear out. The
fuel and air mixture is ignited optimally so starting is more
reliable in an electonic ignition system. Plugs last longer.
Wear out of points, which results in decrease in "dwell"
period, is no longer a problem when you install electronic
ignition.However: to guard against the small possibility
of a system failure (rare with our electronic ignition) which
would kill the car, we do recommend carrying a set of
points and a condenser.

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Part #: 9421
IGNITION CONVERSION KIT FOR YOUR ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTOR (SEE LIST BELOW)! Turn your standard ignition into an electronic ignition with this conversion kit!

Key Features:

  • Eliminates points and condenser.
  • Dust and water resistant
  • Flawless ignition performance with no points to "bounce"
Must be used with a coil with an internal resistor or an external ballast resistor.

This kit fits stock (original) distributor on the following cars:

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 71-79
VW Karmann Ghia 71-74
VW Type 3 71-73
VW Vanagon 80-mid 83
VW Thing 73-74

In an electronic ignition system all of the spark plug firing
is directed electronically. There are no moving parts in an
electronic ignigion system, so nothing to wear out. The
fuel and air mixture is ignited optimally so starting is more
reliable in an electonic ignition system. Plugs last longer.
Wear out of points, which results in decrease in "dwell"
period, is no longer a problem when you install electronic
ignition.However: to guard against the small possibility
of a system failure (rare with our electronic ignition) which
would kill the car, we do recommend carrying a set of
points and a condenser.

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Part #: 9422

Spark Plugs

Spark Plugs

Set of 4 Spark Plugs

1961-1971 VW Bus

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Part #: W8C-4
Spark Plug, Standard Series, Copper Core, Gasket Seat
14mm Thread Size, 19mm Reach, Set of 4

1972-79 Bus
1980-83 Vanagon
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Part #: 5866



Points for any 009 Distributor.
These points have heaviest duty spring and contacts.
therefor allow most efficient operation especially
at higher rpm's

All VWs with 009 Distributor

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Part #: 01 030
Ignition Points, Bosch
One Piece Points
For distributors in following cars:

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 71-79
VW Karmann Ghia 71-74
VW Bus 71-79
VW Type 3 68-74
VW Vanagon 80-83
VW Thing 73-74
VW Westfalia Camper 71-mid83

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Part #: 01 011
Ignition Points,
Two Piece Points
For distributors in following cars:

VW Beetle 61-64
VW Bus 61-mid64
VW Karmann Ghia 61-64
VW Type 3 62-64

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Part #: 01 006
Ignition Points
Two Piece Points
For distributors in following cars:

VW Beetle 65-67
VW Bus 1960 and mid 64-67
VW Karmann Ghia 65-67
VW Type 3 65-67

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Part #: 01 009



VW Key Blank
with VW Logo

VW Bus 1971-1979
VW Type 3 1971-1974 and Thing 1973-1974

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Part #: 111-837-219 AR
Protective Teardrop Key Cover with logo, For profiles M,K, and R
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Part #: 111-837-230

Tune Up Kits

Tune Up Kits

Tune Up Kit for following distributors
#0231178009, #9230081094 or Bosch 009

includes 01011 Points, 02086 Condenser, 03010 Cap and 04 033 rotor
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Part #: 37139
Tune Up Kit for following distributors
#0231178009, #9230081094 or Bosch 009

includes 01011 Points, 02086 Condenser, 03010 Distributor Cap, 04033 Rotor, 4 Bosch W8AC Spark Plugs and 09001 Spark Plug Ignition Wires.
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Part #: 37139-WW



Instruction Sheet
Connections and maintenance for ignition coils.

All VW

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How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive, 476 Pages

This classic automotive manual helps dedicated VW owners
fight the war against rust, body rot, and engine failure
to keep their prized cars alive.
Advice and techniques for for Bugs, Karmann Ghias, the VW Bus
and all air-cooled engines.

Wonderful tuneup instructions and advice as well as more advanced work. A real "masterpiece."

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Part #: 11-0990
Bug Me Dvd: Volume 1, General Maintenance. 1 Hour of easy to follow instruction, Including:

Valve & Clutch Adjustment, Fan Belt Replacement & Adjustment, Spark Plugs, Distributor, Carburetor Maintenance, and Much Much More!

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Part #: Volume 1



Bosch OEM Condenser

VW Beetle 66-70
VW Bus 68-70
VW Karmann Ghia 66-70
VW Type 3 1967

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Part #: 02 069
Condenser, Bosch, OEM

VW Beetle and Super Beetle 74-79
VW Bus 74-79
VW Karmann Ghia 1974
VW Vanagon 80-mid83
VW Thing 1974
VW Type 3 1974

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Part #: 02 074
Distributor Condenser, Bosch, OEM
For VW models with 0231178009 Distributor.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 50-79
VW Bus 50-79
VW Vanagon 80-91
VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Type 3 62-67

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Part #: 02 086
Distributor Condenser
Bosch OEM for distributors of following:

VW Beetle 50-54
VW Beetle 61-64
VW Bus 50-54
VW Bus 61-63
VW Karmann Ghia 61-64
VW Type 3 62-mid 64

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Part #: 02 006
Distributor Condenser
OEM for distributors of following cars:

VW Beetle 70-73
VW Super Beetle 71-73
VW Thing 1973
VW Type 3 72-73
VW Karmann Ghia 70-74

also for VW Beetle and Karmann Ghia with auto stick, 1970

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Part #: 02 054
Replacement Distributor Condenser.
All 25hp and 36hp VW Distributors.

VW Beetle 54-60
VW Karmann Ghia 56-60
VW Type 3 56-59
VW Bus 54-60

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Part #: 021 70

Printer friendly

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Classic Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon parts for the following years: 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990