Volkswagen Type 3 Seat Parts

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Knobs at Side of Front Seats, pair.
Tilt Front Seats Forward.

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 68-79
VW Karmann Ghia 68-74
VW Type 3 68-74
VW Rabbit and Cabriolet 80-93

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Part #: 113-881-633E
Seat Adjustment Knob, Push On, Black

VW Beetle 1963-79
VW Karmann Ghia 1963-74
VW Bus 1968-79
VW Type 3 1963-73
VW Thing 1973-74

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Part #: 111-881-251
Clips for Seat Release Knob, Pair

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 67-79
VW Karmann Ghia 68-74
VW Type 3 68-73

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Part #: 311-881-247-2
Seat Release knob & Guide (1 Side), Kit

1968-79 VW Beetle
1968-1973 Type 3

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Part #: 371-898-607



Seat Rail Slider Bushings (Will Do Both Front SeatsPlastic, Set of 6

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 73-79
VW Type 3 73-74

Note: If replacing 73-79 floor pans then also order part 431-881-203A
and use its center guide bushing; then
discard the center bushing from this kit.

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Part #: 133-214-L/R

Cover Plates

Cover Plates

Outer Seat Frame Cover Plates, Pair

VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 73-75
VW Type 3 72-73 beginning vin# 3122133001

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Part #: 371-315-L/R

Seat Upholstery Accessories

Seat Upholstery Accessories

Seat Upholstery Buttons, Set of 8, All Colors
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Part #: 43-4414

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Classic Volkswagen Type 3 and Type 4 parts for the following years: 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974