VW Beetle 54-65 VW Karmann Ghia 56-65 VW Bus 1955-67 VW Type 3 1961-74
Front Shock in: VW Beetle 53-65 VW Karmann Ghia 56-65 VW Bus 55-79 VW Type 3 62-73
Rear Shock in: VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 53-79 VW Bus 55-67 VW Thing 73-74 VW Type 3 62-73 VW Karmann Ghia 56-74
VW Beetle 48-68 VW Bus 52-67 VW Karmann Ghia 56-68 VW Type 3 62-68
Also 1968 cars with manual shift only. For 1968 auto stick transmission use the "031N" shock. Bug 1952-68 Karmann Ghia 1956-68 Bus 1952-67 Type 3 1962-68
VW Karmann Ghia 69-74 VW Type 3 69-73
ALSO: 1968 cars only if auto stick transmission.
Front Axle Beam Mounting Bolt for following: VW Standard Beetle 1946-1977 VW Karmann Ghia 1956-1974 VW Thing 1973-1974
Shock Absorber Mounting Bolt for following: VW Beetle 10/52-5/59 (upper and lower) VW Karmann Ghia 1956-5/59 (upper and lower) VW Bus 1950-1967 (lower only)
Shock: VW Beetle 10/52-4/59 Rear Upper and Lower VW Bus 50-67 Rear Lower and 63-67 Front Upper VW Karmann Ghia 56-5/59 Upper and Lower
Axle Beam VW Standard Beetle 50-77 VW Karmann Ghia 56-74 VW Thing 73-74
VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 60-79 VW Karmann Ghia 60-74
VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle 60-79 VW Karmann Ghia 60-74 VW Type 3 62-73 Prevent suspension from bottoming out.
VW Beetle (Standards) 66-77 VW Karmann Ghia 66-74 VW Thing 73-74
VW Beetle (Standards) 1966-77 VW Karmann Ghia 66-74
VW Beetle (Standard) 66-77 VW Karmann Ghia 66-74 VW Thing 73-74
Selling classic Volkswagen parts since 1975
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