Volkswagen Beetle Seat Covers: Two Fabrics. Convertible (Full Sets)

About Our VW Beetle Seat Covers
- We offer TMI seat upholstery for the VW Beetle. TMI upholstery is the best VW upholstery on the market.
- TMI makes Beetle seat upholstery in authentic colors and fabrics, so these fabrics are exact matches to original VW upholstery.
- TMI Vinyl is stronger than other brands; it last longer, cleans easily, and retains its original shape better than other vinyls.
- Seat covers take a minimum of 12-14 weeks to ship.
On This Page:
- You'll find Beetle seat covers and 12-inch inserts in Smooth Vinyl, Basket Weave Vinyl, Square Weave Vinyl, and Encore and Regal Velours.
- Pick two colors -- one for the insert, and one for the surrounding material -- to complete your order.