VW Beetle 1955-68
This heater channel comes with outer rocker, running board fastening panel, and bottom plate. This is the complete unit imported from Denmark. The heating channel is the critical
lower body piece running across the bottom of the car from the front firewall along the
bottom of the door to the front of the rear fender well. The heater channel holds the ducts
under the back seat, the front floor vent and the defroster hose duct. The floor pan bolts
to the heater channel nut plate and the running boards attach to the side nut inserts on the
channel. You must master the techniques in our dvd before installing a heater channel. Not
a simple job !!

Complete Restoration: Complete restoration requires removing the floor pan bolts (to the heater channel) and cutting away of the weld joints. Then new channels can be welded and bolted in place. Usually if there is significant decay in the bottom channel plate then there is enough rot in the rest of the channel that complete restoration is advised. We advise (if you are not familiar with this work) that you get the dvd instructions for heater channel work.)
The choice of replacing the whole channel or just the bottom plate should be made with care. The same holds true for deciding to join a new front section to the rest of the existing heater channel.
We can ship these parts by UPS or parcel post.