For: Karmann Ghia Carburetor
5 inch tall air cleaner, 2 inch opening
Comes with washable gauze filter
For all Solex 28 to 34 PICT-3 carbretors and reproductions.Solves clearance issues
Comes with washable gauze filter
For all Solex 28 to 34 PICT-3 carbretors and reproductions.Solves clearance issues
1954 to 1974 Standard Beetle
1971 to 1974 Super Beetle
1956 to 1974 Karmann Ghia
1955 to 1974 2 Bus
1973 to 1974 VW Thing

There is a very nice you tube video
on rebuilding air cooled carburetors.
Copy and paste this link to your browser to view:
on rebuilding air cooled carburetors.
Copy and paste this link to your browser to view:
We offer a carburetor rebuild kit which has
the required replacement parts.